Privacy Policy

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Your trust is very important to LLICRODROIVID and we understand the importance of your personal information. We will do our best to protect your personal information by taking appropriate security measures in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements. Before using our products and/or services, please ensure that you have carefully read and understood our Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "this Privacy Policy") to ensure that you can start using them only after you fully understand and agree. Through this privacy policy, we would like to explain to you how we collect, use, store, share, and transmit this information when you use our products and/or services, and how we provide you with access to this information, update them, Delete and protect such information.

Definition and scope

This Privacy Policy is closely related to your use of LLICRODROIVID. We hope that you read carefully and confirm that you fully understand the content of this Policy before using our products and/or services so that you can make decisions in accordance with this Privacy Policy guideline deemed appropriate. This Privacy Policy applies to the latest version of our products and/or services. If the products or services of our partners use the products or services provided by Vipshop without a separate privacy policy, this Privacy Policy also applies to these products or services.

The term "affiliated company" in this Privacy Policy refers to a company that one party directly or indirectly controls or jointly controls another party or two or more parties are controlled or jointly controlled by the same company. Control refers to the power to directly or indirectly determine or influence the management direction or decision-making of a party by exercising voting rights, contracts, etc.

We have tried our best to make the terms used in this Privacy Policy clear and concise and provided links to further explanations for your better understanding. By using or continuing to use our products and/or services after we have updated this Privacy Policy (we will promptly notify you of any such updates), you agree to the contents of this Privacy Policy (including updated versions) and agree to our compliance with this Privacy Policy Policy collection, use, storage, and disclosure of information about you.

How we collect and use your personal information

LLICRODROIVID provides you with convenient e-commerce trading platform services. In order to achieve service delivery, we will mainly collect, use, share, and store your personal information based on the following requirements.

Order and transaction fulfillment: You must provide information such as the recipient, delivery address, contact number, etc. so that we can help you complete the transaction smoothly and ensure the security of your transaction.

Customer service and dispute resolution: In order to provide you with customer service or dispute resolution services, we need to collect and process the necessary information from you to verify your identity, reply to you, and verify the quality of service provided by our service personnel.

Security: To protect your account and transaction security, we may need to collect and process your device information and log information. We will also use this information to prevent the occurrence of various illegal acts or the infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of other subjects.

Extras: We offer many extras that allow you to shop, rate, share, save images, and communicate with customer service. For example, we use your location to recommend products or services available in your area, which you can use or opt out of if you wish.

Most of the above personal information is provided to us voluntarily by you, some are obtained by us through cookies, SDK, and other similar technologies when you use our products and/or services, and some are obtained indirectly from third parties.

Your rights

You can exercise your right to specific processing of your personal data at any time. The following is a general description of these rights and how to exercise them:

Access and change your data: You can access your personal data and request the correction, change, or additional information. We will provide you with a copy of the data we hold if you wish.

Withdraw your consent: You can choose not to have your personal data processed by us for marketing purposes at any time. In this regard, please note that marketing activities refer to sending promotional and commercial communications as well as conducting market research and satisfaction surveys in order to improve our services. Upon receipt of your request, we will immediately stop processing your personal data within this consent form, while continuing to process those personal data that do not belong to or allow us to process in accordance with current regulations.

Object to the processing of your data: You can object to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interests at any time, stating the reasons for your objection; we will review these reasons before accepting your request.

Date of erasure of you: You may request the erasure of your personal data in cases provided for by current law. After receiving and reviewing your request, we will immediately stop processing and delete your personal data if the request is legitimate.

Restriction of processing your personal data: In this case, we will continue to store your personal data without processing it, unless there are other requirements or exceptions provided by law. When you contest the accuracy of your personal data, if such processing is proven to be unlawful but you object to the erasure of your data, when your data no longer needs to be processed but you need it to establish, exercise, or defend legality processing of a claim can be restricted, and when you object to processing, pending verification of the reasons for your request.

You can exercise the above-mentioned rights by accessing your customer account, writing to our customer service, or writing to the address of the data controller.

How to manage your information

You can manage your personal data in various ways, such as direct access in the personal center, correction, addition, and deletion of your personal data, and termination of your account. If you have problems managing your personal information, you can also contact us using the contact form below and we will respond to your query within 15 days. But please also understand that due to compliance with legal and regulatory obligations or the necessity of our provision of services, we may not be able to fully meet your requirements.

Protection of personal data of minors

We have always attached great importance to the protection of minor's personal data and feel obligated to do so. If you are a minor, we encourage you to read this Policy together with your parents or other legal guardians; if you are a child under the age of 14, you and your parents or other legal guardians are using our products and/or Before serving, you should carefully read the specific clauses on the protection of children's personal information in this privacy policy, and ensure that you have your parents or other legal guardians. Before using our products and/or services under the guidance of your parents, your parents agree or other legal guardians understand this Privacy Policy.

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